Dispute resolution and litigation
The strength of our litigation and dispute resolution practice rests on our legal knowledge, and the experience of our senior lawyers.
If you have an opponent who is willing to see reason, we make every endeavour to resolve disputes by negotiation.
If not, or if a matter cannot after reasonable effort be resolved in this way, we have the full armory of alternatives available.
We have experience and expertise in all levels of litigation, and with all the major forms of intelocutory relief, from summary judgment, injuctions (both postive and negative), mareva (freezing of assets).
In all state and federal courts, we have the lawyers and barristers who can get the job done.
Whilst pursing court action with unwavering rectitude, we continue to work with clients to find commercially acceptable solutions.

Rational Objective Focused
Call us on (08) 9328 9788