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Mining Act Part IV proceedings costs scale and Wardens Court costs scale

For proceedings before the Warden's Court, see the Magistrates Court civil proceedings costs scale Legal data base

For proceedings before the Warden under Part IV of the Mining Act (including applications for forfeiture and applications/objections):
Mining Regulations 1981 - [12-n0-00].pdf
Effective 1 July 2022
Source: Western Australian Legislation website
Last checked 01 July 2024

Older scales for proceedings under Part IV of the Mining Act (not current)

Mining Regulations 1981 - [10-g0-00].pdf
Part IV scale
Effective 12 September 2015

Part IV scale
Effective February 2011

Mining Act Pt IV scale.doc
Effective 15 January 2010

Last checked 10 July 2008

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