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Of Rule of Law

Elements of Rule of Law:

A country that adheres to the rule of law ensures that –
  • All persons and organisations including the government are subject to and accountable to the law
  • The law is clear, known, and enforced
  • The Court system is independent and resolves disputes in a fair and public manner
  • All persons are presumed innocent until proven otherwise by a Court
  • No person shall be arbitrarily arrested, imprisoned, or deprived of their property
  • Punishment must be determined by a Court and be proportionate to the offence

    The rule of law is more than simply the government and citizens knowing and obeying the law. The rule of law involves other concepts, such as checks and balances on the use of government power, the independence of the judiciary, the presumption of innocence, access to justice, and the right to a fair trial.
    It includes the right of assembly (so long as it does not infringe the rights of others), freedom of speach, access to justice.

    Rule of law is predicated on the right of the individual. Without an explicit recognition of the individual, rule of law, and our freedom, must fail.

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