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Xmas list of an 11 year old

Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 20:28:41 +1100
Subject: Re: XMAS LIST
From: aphra
To: Jo-Ann

Okay (:

Well, I need some money to get my computer. My old one, the one I'm using now, is really bad. I can't use iTunes, and I downloaded so much software and other stuff which doesn't work, I'm running out of space :(. I also want to use SMF, but I downloaded it and did the wrong thing, and now I can't change it. 

Anyways, enough of that. Next:
Well, I want some books. Maybe things like Ruby Redfort #2 (I've read #1.)
Two books in a series: Oath Breaker and Ghost Hunter by Mitchelle Paver, Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. 
Also any other books you think I might like <3
Possibly some games. Board games, computer games, wii games. All that stuff.
I don't know what else...possibly some stationary from Typo and/or Smiggle. 
Oh yes, and anything to do with wolves. Posters, books, anything ^^
Anything else you can find that I might like. 

Let me just make one thing clear: don't get me everything on there. I highly doubt you would anyway, but just clearing it up there. Just one or so. ^_^


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