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Of Masks and vaccination

11:00PM DECEMBER 23, 2021

Colin Axon, a scientist who advises the British government’s SAGE committee on airborne transmission of the virus. He calls them “comfort blankets”, explaining that medical experts, with their “cartoonish” view of how particles travel, are “unable to comprehend” just how minuscule the virus is. “A Covid particle is roughly 100 nanometres,” he says.

“Material gaps in blue surgical masks”, although invisible to the naked eye, “are up to 1000 times that size; cloth-mask gaps can be 500,000 times that size”. Aerosols in the wearer’s breath “escape masks and render them ineffective”, he adds, likening virus particles’ passage through the material to firing marbles at builders’ scaffolding: “Some might hit a pole and rebound, but most will fly through.” But if it makes you feel secure, please keep pulling the grubby rags out of your pocket and popping them on as you head into Woolies.

Have we completely abandoned logic in this country? If not, will someone help me understand why, after spending billions of dollars and causing extreme inconvenience to literally every person in Australia with convoluted compliance regulations and brutal, state-sanctioned coercion, our Covid vaccination program has failed to deliver us the benefits we were promised?

Steve Waterson

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